Sunday, January 23, 2011

Retutn to Innocence

Return to Innocence amazing song by just says the life is a return to innocence.
What is the picture it comes to your mind when we say Innocent. For me it is of a baby, who just his or her mom..
Recently I had an oppurtunity to stay with my mom in the hospital to take care of my grandma. I came to know a lot. I came to know a lot..what is life..My grandma is 88 year old. She was nothing but a baby, who doesnt want to have food, who is crying when nurse takes a sample of blood or just injects some medicine. There was  and incident my mom saying to grandma that she has to have food or else my mom will leave..gradma just says "Please do not say that...I am just sick" ..This was just one of them but I tell you there are a lot...I just confirmed one is the return to innocence..